
Lab name Erh-Min Lai lab
Job Position Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The major research interests in the LAI lab are to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying how bacterial pathogens deploy protein secretion systems for survival at its ecological niche and successful infection inside the plant host. We study the mechanistic and biological insights of the two major protein secretion nanomachines, type IV and type VI secretion systems (T4SS and T6SS), in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the causal agent of crown gall disease and powerful gene transfer tool. We also aim to identify novel agrobacterial and plant genes critical for plant transformation and gene editing. The knowledge may provide new insights to improve Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation and translational applications in biomedicine and/or agriculture.

The postdoc will carry out a 3-year NSTC grant to study the molecular mechanisms of T6SS offense and defense with focuses to investigate how the recipient cell factors involved in regulating the toxicity of T6SS antibacterial effector.

The LAI lab provides the research environments and expertise on studies of protein secretion and pathogen-plant interactions using various tools including genetics/genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry/proteomics, and cell biology. The research may expand to study structural aspects of effector-associated complex using X-ray crystallography and cryoEM through collaborations with the assistance of Academia Sinica Protein Clinic and Cryo-EM Center. The postdoc is also encouraged to develop an independent project and will be trained to serve as a mentor toward an independent investigator. The LAI lab is also active in international collaborations, which will bring opportunities for abroad training.

Requirements Passion in microbiology research and bacterial protein secretion systems. Applicants with research experiences and expertise in molecular genetics, protein biochemistry, and/or microscopy are required. Applicants with proposed new ideas or projects are encouraged to apply.
2024-07-15 ~ 2024-12-31
Lab name 中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所
Job Position 長期工讀生一名
Responsibilities 信件收發、公文傳遞、文書處理及臨時交辦事項。
Requirements 1. 大專院校以上在學學生(每學期均需檢附在學證明供查驗)。
2. 英文略通,熟悉電腦文書處理。
3. 品行端正、耐心、細心、負責、有服務熱忱。
4. 表達及溝通能力良好。
2024-07-03 ~ 2024-12-31