
Lab name 中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所 朱修安實驗室
Job Position 碩士級研究助理
Responsibilities 參與中研院永續農學計畫 “臺灣田間藻菌類生物資源蒐集及碳氮養分循環應用研究”。進行台灣溫泉藍綠菌的採集,生理生化特性和比較基因體與蛋白質體分析研究。
Requirements 生物學相關科系碩士,具備分子生物學和生物化學研究經驗者優先考慮。
2025-01-02 ~ 2025-06-30
Lab name Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology Chih-Hang Wu Lab
Job Position Research Assistant
Responsibilities Our laboratory studies the molecular interactions between plants and microbes, particularly how plants utilize their immune receptors to resist infections from pathogens. NLRs are a type of immune receptor inside plant cells that can recognize effector molecules from pathogens. This study will focus on the evolutionary analysis of plant NLR-type immune receptors and investigate their functions in disease resistance.
Requirements Applicants should hold a MS degree in Biology or related disciplines. Research experiences in molecular biology, evolutionary biology, plant-microbe interactions, or plant pathology are preferred.
2024-12-30 ~ 2025-02-15
Lab name 植物暨微生物學研究所
Job Position 實驗室研究助理/博士後

The lab of Ka Wai Ma is inviting application working on plant-microbiota research. The lab is using model system such as Arabidopsis thaliana and the associated culture collection to understand the principles governing plant-microbiota homeostasis. The lab routinely uses omics techniques including amplicon sequencing, transcriptomics and reconstitution system. In addition to general assistance in maintaining the bacterial culture collection, you will work on a project looking at the mechanistic basis of how bacterial microbiota members interfere with the plant immune response.

The position is opened until filled




Applicants are required to

  1. have research experience in molecular biology or biochemistry, and hold a MS degree (RA) or a PhD (postdoc).
  2. experience of microbiology is preferred.
  3. Good command of English and preferably basic knowledge of mandarin.


  1. 具碩士學位 (研究助理)或博士學位 (博士後),份子生物學或生物化學科研經驗。
  2. 具微生物學經驗者優先考慮。


2024-12-17 ~ 2025-06-30
Lab name 植物暨微生物學研究所【基因體學技術核心】微矩陣及次世代定序實驗室
Job Position 研究助理
Responsibilities 1. 協助維護及操作核心實驗室相關軟硬體及儀器設施。
2. 操作基因體技術研究相關實驗,包括RNA, DNA 的品質檢測分析,次世代定序 library 的製備等實驗操作。
3. 實驗室例行事務管理工作
4. 臨時交代事項
Requirements 1. 具良好溝通協調能力及工作熱忱,樂意學習相關新技術。
2. 大學或碩士畢業。
3. 熟悉分子生物學原理與實驗操作。了解功能基因體學領域與次世代定序概念及其應用。
4. 熟悉一般電腦、科學儀器之軟/硬體操作。
2024-12-05 ~ 2025-06-30
Lab name Chuan Ku Lab
Job Position Postdoctoral researcher
Responsibilities Research topics:
1. Genomics and molecular mechanisms of virus-host interactions
2. Machine learning methods for predicting the outcome of virus-host interactions
3. Evolutionary dynamics of viruses and hosts
Requirements 1. PhD in genomics, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, microbiology, or a related field
2. Research experience in host-microbe interactions, virology or microbiology
3. Programming skills (Python, R, or other languages)
4. Ability to lead a research project and to work collaboratively in a team
5. English writing and speaking skills
2024-12-04 ~ 2025-06-30