

現任委員 Committee Member


研究副技師 Associate Research Specialist


助理 Research Assistant

  • 林詠儀 Yung-I Lin




每周五下午兩點到三點, 我們會在植微大樓R106會議室. 時段可能因所方其他活動移至下午三點到四點. 歡迎各位同仁前來討論任何生物資訊相關問題. 舉凡如何使用Excel處理資料, 簡易統計分析, 如何使用常用的公開資料庫, 或者是生物資訊分析的討論.



1. RNAseq:15個40M read樣本,耗時約三個工作天。結果包括differentially expressed gene discovery及alternative-splicing comparisons。
2. DNAseq:9個50M樣本,耗時約兩個半工作天。結果包括SNP/InDel calling及其註解。


DNAseq data

Sequence assembly
SNP/InDel detection
T-DNA insertion site detection
Tandem duplication detection
Genome rearrangement detection

RNAseq data

Expression level computation
Sample-sensitive alternative splicing events
Alternative polyadenylation detection
Gene fusion detection
scRNAseq data processing

Other NGS analyses

SmallRNA expression level computation
SmallRNA target prediction
ChIPseq data processing

Systems biology

Co-expression clustering
PPI network computation
Sequence motif searching
GO enrichment computation
Automatic GO annotation


Enzyme kinetics computation 
Computation of isothermal tiling array probes
iTRAQ data processing
Protein structure and interaction prediction


1. MACCU (Multi-Array Correlation Computation Utility, https://github.com/wdlingit/maccu ):計算並比較共表現網路(co-expression network),進一步推論組織專一之基因模組。

2. RackJ (Read Analysis & Comparison Kit in Java, http://rackj.sourceforge.net/ ):根據RNAseq資料,計算基因表現量,並推論與樣本有關之alternative-splicing事件。

3. GOBU (Gene Ontology Browsing Utility, https://gobu.sourceforge.io/ ):提供友善的圖形化使用者介面以操作基因本體論資料,包括快速計算富集分析。

Selected Publications

Huang CK, Lin WD, Wu SH (2022) An improved repertoire of splicing variants and their potential roles in Arabidopsis photomorphogenic development. Genome Biol. 9;23(1):50.

Hsieh EJ, Lin WD, Schmidt W (2022) Genomically Hardwired Regulation of Gene Activity Orchestrates Cellular Iron Homeostasis in Arabidopsis. RNA Biol. 19(1):143-161.

Kanno T, Venhuizen P, Wen TN, Lin WD, Chiou P, Kalyna M, Matzke AJM, Matzke M (2018) PRP4KA, a Putative Spliceosomal Protein Kinase, Is Important for Alternative Splicing and Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics. 210(4):1267-1285.

Salazar-Henao JE, Lin WD, Schmidt W (2016) Discriminative gene co-expression network analysis uncovers novel modules involved in the formation of phosphate deficiency-induced root hairs in Arabidopsis. Sci Rep 6:26820. 

Kanno T, Lin WD, Fu JL, Wu MT, Yang HW, Lin SS, Matzke AJ, Matzke M (2016 Identification of Coilin Mutants in a Screen for Enhanced Expression of an Alternatively Spliced GFP Reporter Gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 203(4):1709-20. 

Sasaki T, Kanno T, Liang SC, Chen PY, Liao WW, Lin WD, Matzke AJ, Matzke M (2015) An Rtf2 domain-containing protein influences pre-mRNA splicing and is
essential for embryonic development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 200(2):523-35.

Rodríguez-Celma J, Lin WD, Fu GM, Abadía J, López-Millán AF, and Schmidt W. (2013) Mutually exclusive alterations in secondary metabolism are critical for the uptake of insoluble iron compounds by arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiology. 162:1473-85.

Li W, Lin WD, Ray P, Lan P, and Schmidt W. (2013) Genome-wide detection of condition-sensitive alternative splicing in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Physiology. 162:1750-63.

Liu MJ, Wu SH, Wu JF, Lin WD, Wu YC, Tsai TY, Tsai HL, and Wu SH.. (2013) Translational landscape of photomorphogenic Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 25:3699-710.

Lan P, Li WF, Lin WD, Santi S, and Schmidt W. (2013) Mapping gene activity of Arabidopsis root hairs. Genome Biology. Genome Biology. 14:R67.

Chen YT, Shen CH, Lin WD, Chu HA, Huang BL, Kuo CI, Yeh KW, Huang LC, and Chang IF. (2013) Small RNAs of Sequoia sempervirens during rejuvenation and phase change. Plant Biology. 15:27-36.

Sharma S, Lin WD, Villamor JG, and Verslues PE. (2013) Divergent low water potential response in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Landsberg erecta and Shahdara. Plant Cell & Environment 36: 994-1008.

Chen YC, Chen YC, Lin WD, Hsiao CD, Chiu HW, and Ho JM. (2012) Bio301: A Web-based EST annotation pipeline that facilitates functional comparison studies. ISRN Bioinformatics. (doi:10.5402/2012/139842)

Lin WD, Liao YY, Yang TJ, Pan CY, Buckhout TJ, and Schmidt W. (2011) Coexpression-based clustering of Arabidopsis root genes predicts functional modules in early phosphate deficiency signaling. Plant Physiology. 155:1383-402.