
周素珍 (Chou, Shu-Jen)


  • +886-2-2787-1072(Office: A224 and A222)
  • sjchou@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  • 基因體學技術核心實驗室


維修/ 維護與操作微矩陣核心實驗室各項儀器


提供Microarray 與NGS 定序庫製備及ddPCR等實驗相關流程的諮商與協助,包括研究室人員於微矩陣實驗操作訓練。


協助舉辦microarray 及NGS 技術相關及生物晶片資料分析軟體訓練課程。

參與或協同研究人員於microarray 或NGS 技術應用相關技術研究。

All publication list

Selected publication list

  • Hou CY, Lee WC, Chou HC, Chen AP, Chou SJ, and Chen HM (2016) Global analysis of truncated RNA ends reveals new insights into ribosome stalling in plants. The Plant Cell 28:2398-2416.
  • Sang CH, Chou SJ, Pan FM and Sheu JT (2016) Fluorescence enhancement and multiple protein detection in ZnO nanostructure microfluidic devices. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 75:285-292.
  • Tsai KJ, Chou SJ and Shih MC (2014) Ethylene plays an essential role in the recovery of Arabidopsis during post-anaerobiosis reoxygenation. Plant Cell and Environment. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12292.
  • Hsu FC, Chou MY, Chou SJ, Li YR, Peng HP, Shih MC (2013) Submergence confers immunity mediated by the WRKY22 transcription factor in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25:2699-2713.
  • Hsu FC, Chou MY, Peng HP, Chou SJ, Shih MC (2011) Insights into hypoxic systemic responses based on analyses of transcriptional regulation in Arabidopsis. PLOS ONE 6:e28888.
  • Hsu CT, Liao DC, Wu FH, Liu NT, Shen SC, Chou SJ, Tung SY, Yang CH, Chan MT, Lin CS (2011) Integration of molecular biology tools for identifying promoters and genes abundantly expressed in flowers of Oncidium Gower Ramsey. BMC Plant Biol 11:60.