Liu, Mao-Sen (劉茂森)
Research Scientist
- 2008 Ph. D., Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University
- 1997 M.S., Institute of Botany, National Taiwan University
- 1995 B.S., Department of Biology, National Cheng-Kung University
- +886-2-2787-1148
Research expertise and interest: plant development, stress and molecular biology
In the past decade, my research interests were focused on epigenetic regulation of plant development by studying the polycomb group protein (PcG) genes, EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 (EMF2), in regulating plant growth and development of broccoli and Arabidopsis; on retardation of postharvest senescence of broccoli head by exogenous and endogenous treatments of cytokinin; as well, on finding bruchid-resistant factors of mungbean by integrated omic approach. I have learned wide knowledge and experience in plant development, stress, and molecular biology. Based on these knowledge and experience, I am now interested in study the interaction between Agrobacterium and plant reproductive cells with the first goal to understand the effective target and timing of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation by floral dip (AMT-FD). I employed Arabidopsis as a model plant to perform my research because it is the only plant species been routinely used to produce transgenic progenies by AMT-FD. Knowing the timing and target cell of AMT-FD of Arabidopsis will make the study of interaction between Agrobacterium and the target cell feasible. Further elucidating the underlying mechanism of transformation will provide the knowledge to improve the transformation efficiency of Arabidopsis and apply to crop improvement.
Selected publication list
- MS Liu, TCY Kuo, CY Ko, DC Wu, KY Li, WJ Lin, CP Lin, YW Wang, R Schafleitner, HF Lo, CY Chen, and LFO Chen (2016) Genomic and transcriptomic comparison of nucleotide variations for insights into bruchid resistance of mungbean (Vigna radiata [L.] R. Wilczek). BMC Plant Biology 16:46.
- R Schafleitner, SM Huang, SH Chu, JY Yen, CY Lin, MR Yan, B Krishnan, MS Liu, HF Lo, CY Chen, LFO Chen, DC Wu, TG Thi, S Ramasamy, CW Tung and R Nair (2016) Identification of single nucleotide polymorphism markers associated with resistance to bruchids (Callosobruchus spp.) in wild mungbean (Vigna radiata var. sublobata) and cultivated V. radiata through genotyping by sequencing and quantitative trait locus analysis. BMC Plant Biology 16:159.
- WJ Lin, CY Ko, MS Liu, CY Kuo, DC W, CY Chen, R Schafleitner, LFO Chen and HF Lo (2016) Transcriptomic and proteomic research to explore bruchid-resistant genes in mungbean isogenic lines. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64: 6648-6658.
- CP Lin, CY Ko, CI Kuo, MS Liu, R Schafleitner, LFO Chen (2015) Transcriptional slippage and RNA editing increase the diversity of transcripts in chloroplasts: Insight from deep sequencing of Vigna radiata genome and transcriptome. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129396.
- MS Liu, MH Ko, HC Li, SJ Tsai, YM Lai, YM Chang, MT Wu and LFO Chen (2014) Compositional and proteomic analyses of genetically modified broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) harboring an agrobacterial gene. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15: 15188-15209.
- MS Liu, HJ Li, YM Lai, HF Lo, and LFO Chen (2013) Proteomics and transcriptomics of broccoli subjected to exogenously supplied and transgenic senescence-induced cytokinin for amelioration of postharvest yellowing. Journal of proteomics 93: 133-144.
- L Pu, MS Liu, SY Kim, LFO Chen, JC Fletcher, and ZR Sung (2013) EMBRYONIC FLOWER1 and ULTRAPETALA1 act antagonistically on Arabidopsis development and stress response. Plant Physiology 162: 812-830.
- MS Liu , LFO Chen, CH Lin, YM Lai, JY Huang and ZR Sung (2012) Molecular and functional characterization of broccoli EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 genes. Plant and Cell Physiology 53: 1217-1231.
- HY Wu, MS Liu, TP Lin and YS Cheng (2011) Structural and functional assay of AtTLP18.3 identifies its novel acid phosphatase activity in thylakoid lumen. Plant Physiology 157:1015-1025.
- MS Liu, HC Li, YM Chang, MT Wu and LFO Chen (2011). Proteomic analysis of stress-related proteins in transgenic broccoli harboring a gene for cytokinin production during postharvest senescence. Plant Science 181: 288-299.