
Chen, Mei-Ching (陳美菁)

Assistant Research Specialist

  • +886-2-2787-2515 (Office: 智財技轉處 黃樓101室 )
  • cmj@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  • Intellectual property rights protection and promotion

I am in charge of the intellectual property issues of IPMB, and IBC. It consist of
(i) intellectual property management:
a. encourage the disclosure of new discoveries;
b. evaluate the patentability and licensability;
c. develop patent portfolio strategies
d. coordinate patent attorney
(ii) technology transfer
a. seek and foster contacts with potential licensees;
b. develop and negotiate license agreement;
c. follow the milestone development and provide
help during product development
(iii) industry-academic cooperation;
(iv) material transfer agreement

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