
Yu, Tien-Shin (余天心)

Associate Research Fellow

  • Post-doc. Section of Plant Biology, University of California, Davis, USA
  • Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Life Science, National Defense Medical Center
  • M.S. Department of Biology, National Taiwan Normal University
  • B.S. Department of Botany, National Taiwan University
  • +886-2-2787-1032(Lab)
  • +886-2-2787-1159(Office)
  • tienshin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  • Function and molecular mechanism of RNA long-distance trafficking
  • Lab Website


Research Interests: Regulation of meristem transition by mobile mRNA

In higher plants, recent findings indicate that many mRNAs not only serve as templates for translation but also act as systemic signals to fine-tune plant development. We are particularly interested in the mechanisms of RNA movement and the function of these phloem-mediated mobile mRNAs. To explore the functional complexity of mobile mRNA, RNA-seq was conducted to establish a phloem sap mRNA database from broccoli (Brassica oleracea). Analysis of this database identified 63 putative mobile mRNA involves in floral regulation. By use of Arabidopsis grafting experiments, we show that a number of mobile mRNAs indeed act non-cell autonomously to regulate floral initiation or floral reversion. Currently, we are investigating the function of other mobile mRNA in floral regulation or diverse developmental processes.

To investigate the mechanisms underlying intra- and inter-cellular trafficking of mobile mRNA, we adopted an MS2-GFP based mRNA labeling system to visualize real-time trafficking of mobile mRNA in living cells. We substantially reduced cytoplasmic fluorescent background to improve MS2 system, which allowed us to observe the cytoplasmic green fluorescence foci with an MS2-binding site dependent manner (Fig 1). ex vivo RNA images showed that mobile mRNA is targeted to plasmodesmata, presumably for cell-to-cell movement. To elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying long-distance movement of mobile mRNA, we established a biochemical approach and identified some phloem proteins interact with in vitro synthesized mobile mRNA. Analysis of these putative phloem proteins may provide us an opportunity to understand long-distance trafficking of mobile mRNA.

All publication list

Selected publication list

  • Luo K-R, Huang N-C, Chang YH, Jan Y-W, Yu T-S* (2023) Arabidopsis cyclophilins direct intracellular transport of mobile mRNA via organelle-hitchhiking. Nature Plants, in press.
  • Huang N-C, Tien H-C, Yu T-S* (2023) Arabidopsis leaf-expressed AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 mRNA systemically specify floral meristem differentiation. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.19293.
  • Huang, N-C, Luo, K-R, Yu T-S* (2022) Development of a split fluorescent protein-based RNA live-cell imaging system to visualize mRNA distribution in plants. Plant Methods 18, 15.
  • Huang N-C and Yu T-S* (2021) Non-sterile grafting methods for Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol 2200, 113-1
  • Luo K-R, Huang N-C, and Yu T-S* (2020) In vivo imaging of mobile mRNAs in plants using MS2. Methods Mol Biol 2166, 145-155.
  • Huang NC, Luo KR,  Yu TS* (2018) Mobility of tobacco antiflorigen and multiple PEBP mRNA in tomato-tobacco heterografting. Plant Physiol 178, 783-794.
  • Luo KR, Huang NC,  Yu TS* (2018) Selective targeting of mobile RNAs to plasmodesmata for cell-to-cell movement in plants. Plant Physiol 177, 604-614.
  • Huang NC, Yu TS*. (2015) A pin-fasten grafting method provides a non-sterile and highly efficient method for grafting Arabidopsis at diverse developmental stages. Plant Methods 11:38.
  • Huang NC, Jane WN, Chen J, Yu TS*. (2012) Arabidopsis thaliana CENTRORADIALIS homologue (ATC) acts systemically to inhibit floral initiation. Plant J. 72:175-184.
  • Lu KJ, Huang NC, Liu YS, Lu CA, Yu TS*. (2012) Long-distance movement of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T RNA participates in systemic floral regulation. RNA Biology 9:653-662.
  • Yang HW, Yu TS*. (2010) Arabidopsis floral regulators FVE and AGL24 are phloem-mobile RNAs. Botanical Studies 51: 17-26.
  • Huang NC, Yu TS*. (2009) The sequences of Arabidopsis GA-INSENSITIVE RNA constitute the motifs that are necessary and sufficient for RNA long-distance trafficking. Plant J. 59: 921-929.

博士後研究 Postdoctoral Fellow

羅凱仁  Kai-Ren Luo

Ph.D. student

張郁欣  Yu-Hsien Chang

研究助理  Research Assistant

陳雪慧  Hsueh-Huei Chen

吳宇  Yu Wu

田環綺  Huan-Chi Tien