Organelle architecture, dynamics, and biogenesis
The eukaryotic cells organize diverse cellular processes within membrane-bound organelles that usually have characteristic shapes and distinct functions. Our current research focuses on cell biology of the lipid droplet, an organelle specialized for neutral lipid storage. Lipid droplets are believed to emerge from the outer leaflet of the endoplasmic reticulum and contain a phospholipid monolayer surrounding the neutral lipid core. Our current interests are how the structure of lipid droplets is generated and maintained and how the size and number of lipid droplets are controled by the cells. In addition, the lipid droplets are very dynamic and often make contact with other organelles. How these interactions contribute to the functions and biogenesis of lipid droplets is also fundamental for understanding the nature of this organelle. We are currently focusing on proteins that are associated with the lipid droplets. By employing biochemical and cell biology approaches, we wish to understand how these proteins exert their functions on the lipid droplets. |