第三屆楊祥發農業生技講座 暨
時間 |
流程 |
備註 |
9:00~9:20 |
報到 |
9:20~9:30 |
楊祥發講堂揭牌 |
翁啟惠院長、 |
9:30~10:00 |
Opening ceremony |
貴賓致詞: |
10:00~10:40 |
1.楊祥發院士簡介及南科研發園區之規劃史 |
1.簡介: |
10:40~10:50 |
留影紀念 |
10:50~11:50 |
Using rice as a model to understand the dynamic genome |
簡介: |
11:50~12:00 |
頒獎 |
頒獎人: |
12:00~13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30~13:40 |
Young Investigator Lectures(2名) |
頒獎人: |
13:40~14:10 |
DHA enhances lipolysis and reduces lipogenesis to reduce lipid accumulation |
簡介: |
14:10~14:40 |
The regulation of light-mediated growth and development in Arabidopsis: central dogma and beyond |
簡介: |
14:40~15:00 |
Coffee Break |
15:00~16:40 |
農業生技產學合作論壇 |
主持人: |
16:40~17:00 |
Closing |
籌備委員會 |