

1) 贊助楊祥發農業生技講座
2) 獎勵優秀年輕科學家
3) 促進台灣與加州大學戴維斯分校(UC-Davis)之科家 學術交流互動

The Shang-Fa Yang Memorial Foundation

The Shang-Fa Yang Foundation was initially established through the generous donations made by the Yang family, as well as contributions from Professor Yang's colleagues, students and friends. The primary roles of this foundation are to

1) sponsor the annual Shang-Fa Yang Lectureship,
2) make career awards to promising young scientists, and

3) promote interactions and collaborations between
scientists in Taiwan and the University of California at Davis. 
This Foundation will have a major function in training future generations of scientists from agriculture biotechnology and other related disciplines.  It is hoped that broader involvements and contributions from friends and colleagues will help the Foundation to be more far-reaching and sustainable in order to achieve its missions.


      2007年3月初午后,超過5百位來賓主動齊聚中央研究院,肅穆參加本院楊前副院長祥發院士追思會。溫柔堅強的楊夫人-劉秀薗女士以文稿向來賓致意,並捐贈新台幣1千萬元成立「財團法人楊祥發紀念教育基金會」(The Shang-Fa Yang Memorial Foundation),傳承楊院士對農業生技與學術的無限大愛。
      2007年10月初,這項許諾已然具體雙倍實現!楊夫人同時亦捐贈美國加州大學戴維斯分校(UC-Davis)美金33萬元(約合台幣1千3百萬元),於2007年10月9日舉行「楊祥發院士夫婦學術交流基金會」(The Shang-Fa and Eleanor Yang Scholarly Exchange Endowment)捐贈典禮,致力於台美雙方學術交流活動。這2個基金會,將楊院士畢生奉獻最多心力的2塊土地,緊密聯繫在一起。
      基金會執行長戴維斯大學數學物理科學院院長Dr. Winston Ko表示,透過中研院研究李前院長遠哲院士與現任翁啟惠院長的努力,中研院研究目前擁有尖端的實驗設備,參與交流的美國學者將有機會可以使用這些優異儀器。

Two Foundations Tie Two Lands up

Shang Fa Yang’s Scholarly Exchange Plans Get in Function
One afternoon in early March 2007, over 500 guests participated the Late Vice President of the Academia Sinica (AS) Dr. Shang-Fa Yang’s memorial ceremony held at the Taipei campus. Mrs. Eleanor Yang handed out a short note indicated that the family will donate 10 million NT dollars (about US$300,000) to establish the Shang-Fa Yang Memorial Foundation to continue her husband’s academic passion in Taiwan.
Seven months later, the promise exceeded expectations. Mrs. Yang and her two sons pledged US$330,000 to establish the Shang-Fa and Eleanor Yang Scholarly Exchange Endowment at UC-Davis to fund school’s faculty, post docs, graduate and undergraduate students to collaborate with AS, and to host Taiwan researchers in UC-Davis. Two foundations now tie two prominent research institutes and lands tightly up.
Dean of Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at UC-Davis Dr. Winston Ko, who will administer the fund, said, “Under its former president Yuan T. Lee and current president Chi-Huey Wong, AS invested heavily in state-of-the-art laboratories to establish itself as the top research institution in Taiwan, Yang Scholars will be able to take advantage of equipment that we just don’t have here on campus.”
The endowment will facilitate up to ten trips per year, and pay for the expenses for Taiwanese scholars to travel to Davis for an entire month. President Chi-Huey Wong, also the Chairman of Board of Director of the Shang-Fa Yang Memorial Foundation Taiwan, was very pleased with the impact that the gift will make and said  “ On behalf of Academia Sinica, I'd like to express my deep gratitude to the Yang family for their generosity to establish this endowment to foster the scientific collaboration and exchange of scholars between UC-Davis and Academia Sinica. I am sure with this endowment in place, the two institutions will have a closer relationship and Professor Yang's vision and passion in science and his contributions will be remembered forever.”