植微所暨微生物學研究所  中央研究院


[2020/10] Rachel Wang is invited to give a seminar in the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne, Germany.
[2020/07] Pei-Rou Lin(林佩柔) joined our lab as summer interns.
[2020/06] Rachel Wang is invited to attend therwang ANR-MOST meeting held in IJPB, INRA, France.
[2020/06] Rachel Wang is invited to present a talk in the MEIOCM meeting held in Vienna.
[2020/04] Rachel Wang is invited to present a Career Sharing Talk in the Taoyuan Municipal Wu-Ling Senior High School.
[2020/04] Rachel Wang is invited to present a talk in the Chinese Maize Meeting held in Beijing.
[2020/01] Rachel Wang is invited to present a seminar in the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of National Taiwan University.

[2019/11] Rachel Wang is invited to give a talk in the Annual Meeting and Symposium on Innovative Plant Sciences.
[2019/11] Abby Dernburg (UC Berkeley) visited our lab and IMB, AS.
[2019/09] Sean Burgess (UC Davis) visited our lab and IMB, AS.
[2019/08] Rachel Wang is invited to give a talk in the EMBO meiosis meeting.
[2019/07] Rachel Wang gave a talk in 2018 Grand Challenge Seed Program Workshop.
[2019/07] Tzu-Han Hwang (黃子瀚) and Marc Dawen (達摩) joined our lab as summer interns.
[2019/05] Arp Schnittger (University of Hamburg) visited our lab and IPMB.
[2019/04] We invited Thomas Boudier (CNRS, France) to deliver an ImageJ Workshop in Academia Sinica.
[2019/03]Rachel Wang is invited to attend the Forefront Development in Academic Executive Meeting of Academia Sinica.
[2019/03] Rachel Wang is invited to give a talk in the Japan-Taiwan Plant Biology JTPB2019 meeting.
[2019/02] Pearl Chang (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology) visited our lab in a collaboration of germline reprograming project.
[2019/01] Rachel Wang is interviewed by the Student Biological Research Club of Taipei Zhongshan Girls High School.
[2019/01] Rachel Wang is invited to give a talk in the 2019 PAG meeting.

[2018/12] Rachel Wang is invited to present a seminar in the Department of Life Science of National Taiwan University.
[2018/12] The 2018 Symposium on Chromosome Biology will be held during December 9-11 in the campus. Rachel Wang acted on the Organization Committee and gave a talk during the meeting.
[2018/08] Congratulations to our postodoc Pearl Pei-Chun Chang for receiving an Assistant Professor position in the National Pingtung Univeristy of Science and Technology.
[2018/08] Congratulations to Rachel Wang for receiving the Innovative Research Award of Professor Chu-Yung Lin.
[2018/08] Our research proposal was funded by the Ministry of Science and Techmnology (MOST 107-2311-B-001-008).
[2018/07] Our research proposal was granted by AS Grand Challenge Seed Program.
[3018/07] Yun-Kai Chou (周耘愷), Yu-Ting Hong (洪毓婷), Tse-Yu Chen (陳則宇) joined our lab as summer interns.
[2018/07] Rachel Wang was invited to give a talk in 2018 MEICOM meeting.
[2018/06] A warm welcome to Dr. Mathilde Grelon for her 6-months sabbatical.
[2018/01] Rachel Wang was invited to serve in the External Advisory Board committee of European Horizon 2020 Research Grant “Meiotic Control of Recombination in Crops”. (2018-2020)
[2018/01] Congratulations to Mity Bailey for receiving IPMB Young Scientist Travel Grant Competition.

[2017/07] Fantastic Female Scientists and Where to Find Them
[2017/05] Rachel Wang was invited to give a talk in the Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting.
[2017/03] Rachel Wang was invited to give a talk in the 59th Maize Genetics Conference.
[2017/02] Pearl Pei-Chun Chang joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow.

[2016/10] Congratulations to Rachel Wang for being the Shang-Fa Yang Young Scientist Awardee of 2016.
[2016/07] Dr. Nathalie Vrielynck from the Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), INRA, France is visiting our lab for two months.
[2016/07] Chen-Yu Kuan (管晨宇), Ting-Yu Hsu (許庭瑀) joined our lab as summer interns.
[2016/07] Congratulations to Ding-Hua Lee (李頂華) for receiving his Ph.D. degree from the TIGP-MBAS and also receiving the AS postdoctoral scholarship.
[2016/06] Rachel Wang (王中茹) presented a talk in the Gordon Research Conference-Meiosis.
[2016/02] Shu-Yun Chen(鄭舒允) joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow.

[2015/12] Congratulations to Ching-Chih Tseng(曾靜枝)for the award in the poster competition of the 2015 Plant Science Annual Conference.
[2015/11] Congratulations to Ding-Hua Lee(李頂華) for winning second place of the Academy Award at the TIGP-MBAS retreat.
[2015/10] The 2015 International RecA and Chromosome Biology Conference was held during October 15-17 in the campus. Rachel Wang acted on the Organization Committee and gave a talk during the meeting.
[2015/09] News about our discovery on DSY2 functions on several major media.
[2015/09] Academia Sinica announced our discovery on DSY2 functions during meiosis.
[2015/08] Our image was selected by the Plant Cell to be the Just Released Papers portal image.
[2015/07] Our study of the maize axial element protein DSY2 was accepted by The Plant Cell.
[2015/07] Our research proposal to study maize meiosis (104-2311-B-001 -021 -MY3) was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
[2015/07] Chen-Yu Kuan (管晨宇) joined our lab as a summer intern.
[2015/03] Jeremy Catinot joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
[2015/02] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk during the Advanced Imaging Methods Workshops.

[2014/12] Congratulations! Rachel Wang has been nominated to serve on the Maize Editorial Board (MEB) at MaizeGDB for 2015!
[2014/10] The International Symposium on Plant Sexual Reproduction organized by IPMB was held during Oct 15-17. Rachel Wang was invited to give a talk.
[2014/09] Our review article was published in Frontiers in Plant Science.
[2014/08] Our research proposal to study molecular regulations of plant meiosis (103-2311-B-001-014) was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
[2014/08] Chia-Jou Ma (馬嘉柔) joined our lab as a research assistant.
[2014/07] Chingfan Chiang (姜敬凡), Yun-Jhih Shih (施蘊芷), Chia-Ching Liou (劉佳晴) joined our lab as summer interns.
[2014/06] Congratulations to Ding-Hua Lee (李頂華) for winning the IPMB poster competition and travel award.
[2014/06] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Gordon Research conferences-Meiosis.
[2014/05] Rachel Wang’s work done in UC Berkeley was included in the textbook “Molecular Biology of the Cell”, 6th edition by Alberts et al.
[2014/04] Our super-resolution image done by Ding-Hua Lee (李頂華) was selected as an advertisement for the Gordon Conference published in Science.
[2014/03] Prof. Kelly Dawe from University of Georgia visited our lab.
[2014/03] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the 56th Maize Genetics Conference.
[2014/02] Prof. Gregory Copenhaver from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill visited our lab.
[2014/01] Chi-Ting Wang (王琪婷) joined our lab as a research assistant.

[2013/10] Our work, in collaboration with Zacheus Cande and Virginia Walbot was published in Plant Journal.
[2013/10] Prof. Wojtek Pawlowski from Cornell University visited our lab.
[2013/09] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the University of Minnesota.
[2013/09] Jia-Chi Ku (古家齊) and Rachel Wang (王中茹) visited Prof. Changbin Chen’s lab at the University of Minnesota.
[2013/09] Rachel Wang (王中茹) attended the EMBO meiosis Conference in Germany.
[2013/08] Our methodology article was published in Methods in Molecular Biology.
[2013/08] Our research proposal to study meiotic recombination (102-2311-B-001-005) was funded by the National Science Council of Taiwan.
[2013/07] Geng-Zhan Zhang (張耿展), Yun-Jhih Shih (施蘊芷) joined our lab our lab as summer interns.
[2013/03] Chien-Yu Lin (林倩宇) joined our lab as a research assistant.
[2013/03] Prof. Zacheus Cande from UC Berkeley visited our lab.
[2013/03] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the International Symposium on Plant Meiosis.
[2013/03] Rachel Wang (王中茹) received Society Excellent Youth Award.
[2013/02] Rachel Wang’s work done in UC Berkeley was published in G3.
[2013/01] Our research proposal to study meiotic cell cycle control was funded by the Career Development Award from Academia Sinica.

[2012/12] Rachel Wang (王中茹) received the Career Development Award from Academia Sinica.
[2012/10] Our research proposal to study meiotic synapsis and recombination (101-2311-B-001-035) was funded by the National Science Council of Taiwan.
[2012/09] NTU PhD student Ching-Chih Tseng (曾靜枝) joined our lab.
[2012/07] Our work, in collaboration with Zacheus Cande and Virginia Walbot was published in Development.
[2012/07] TIGP-MBAS PhD student Ding-Hua Lee (李頂華) joined our lab.
[2012/06] Rachel Wang was invited to give a talk in the National Cheng-Kung University.
[2012/06] Shun-Yun Michelle Cheng (鄭舜允) from Wesleyan University joined our lab as summer intern.
[2012/06] Prof. Peter Carlton from Kyoto University visited our lab.
[2012/05] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Chromosome Super Group in Academia Sinica.
[2012/03] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Biotechnology Center in the Southern Park, Academia Sinica.
[2012/03] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the National Chung-Hsing University.
[2012/02] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the 22nd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction.
[2012/02] Prof. Virginia Walbot from Stanford University visited our lab.

[2011/12] Prof. Hans de Jong from Wageningen University visited our lab.
[2011/10] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Symposium on Innovative Plant Sciences.
[2011/08] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Molecular Biology Summer Camp.
[2011/08] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Bilateral Symposium on Bioimaging between Academia Sinica and National University of Singapore.
[2011/08] Rachel Wang’s work done in UC Berkeley was published in BMC Plant Biology.
[2011/07] Yu-Hung Hsiao (蕭宇宏), Chen-Jun Lin (林辰駿) joined our lab as summer interns.
[2011/05] Rachel Wang (王中茹) was invited to give a talk in the Taiwan-France Chromosome Biology Symposium.
[2011/05] Yu-Hsin Kao(高玉馨) , Jia-Chi Ku (古家齊) joined our lab as research assistants.
[2011/05] We celebrated the opening of our new lab space @ Rm 120, IPMB, AS.
[2011/04] Rachel Wang’s work done in UC Berkeley was published in PNAS.
[2011/03] Rachel Wang’s work done in UC Berkeley was published in J Exp Bot.
[2011/01] Rachel Wang (王中茹) joined IPMB.