王中茹 (Wang, Chung-Ju)
- 國立台灣大學植物學研究所 博士
- 植物減數分裂及花藥發育的研究
- rwang@gate.sinica.edu.tw
- +886-2-2787-1119 (Lab: R120)
- +886-2-2787-1120 (Office: R120)
- Lab Website
- Academia Sinica Archive
- Web of Science (WOS)
- Google Scholar

在被子植物中,減數分裂結束後,單倍體胞子必須重新進行有絲分裂以產生配子體,也就是成熟花粉粒或是胚囊。細胞如何終止減數分裂,轉換成有絲分裂少有研究。玉米po1突變株由Dr. George Beadle在1929年分離出來,其表型為減數分裂第二時期結束後,卻再次發生染色體分離。我們發現PO1為一個具TPR模組的蛋白質,利用定量定性的蛋白質體學分析,我們發現PO1可能透過調節末期促進複合體,影響蛋白質降解來控制減數分裂週期。
All publications
Selected Publications
- Hsu FM, Wang CJR*, Chen PY* (2018). Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in maize. Bio-Protocol, 8(6):e2778.
- Chang P, Tseng YF, Chen PY*, Wang CJR* (2018). Using flow cytometry to isolate maize meiocytes for next generation sequencing: A time and labor efficient method. Current Protocol of Plant Biology, 3(2):e20068.
- Hsu FM, Yen MR, Wang CT, Lin CY, Wang CJR*, Chen PY* (2017). Optimized reduced representation bisulfite sequencing reveals tissue-specific mCHH islands in maize. Epigenetics and Chromatin, 10:42.
- Lambing C, Franklin FCH, Wang CJR*(2017). Understanding and manipulating meiotic recombination in plants. Plant Physiology, 173:1531-1542.
- Lee DH, Kao YH, Ku JC, Lin CY, Meeley R, Jan YS, Wang CJR*(2015). The axial element protein DESYNAPTIC2 mediates meiotic double-strand break formation and synaptonemal complex assembly in maize. Plant Cell, 27:2519-2529.
- Wang CJR*, Tseng CC (2014). Recent advances in understanding of meiosis initiation and the apomictic pathway in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5, 497:1-6.
- Wang CJR*(2013). Analyzing maize meiotic chromosomes with structured illumination microscopy. Editor(s): Pawlowski WP, Grelon M, Armstrong S, Methods in Molecular Biology, pp 67-78. New York: Springer (Invited book chapter)
- Moon J, Skibbe D, Timofejeva L, Wang CJR, Kelliher T, Kremling K, Walbot V, Cande WZ* (2013). Regulation of cell divisions and differentiation by MALE STERILITY32 is required for anther development in maize. Plant Journal,76:592-602.
- Timofejeva L, Skibbe D, Lee S, Golubovskaya IN, Wang CJR, Harper L, Walbot V, Cande WZ* (2013). Cytological characterization and allelism testing of anther developmental mutants identified in a screen of maize male sterile lines. G3,3:231-249.
- Wang CJR, Nan G, Kelliher T, Timofejeva L, Vernoud V, Golubovskaya IN, Harper L, Egger R, Walbot V, Cande WZ* (2012). Maize Multiple archesporial cells 1 (Mac1), an ortholog of rice TDL1A, modulates cell proliferation and identity in early anther development. Development,139:2594-2603.
- Paredez AR, Assaf ZJ, Sept D, Timofejeva L, Dawson SC, Wang CJR, Cande WZ* (2011). An actin cytoskeleton with evolutionarily conserved functions in the absence of canonical actin-binding proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108:6151-6156.
- Nan GL, Ronceret A, Wang CJR, Fernandes JF, Cande WZ, Walbot V* (2011). Global transcriptome analysis of two ameiotic1 alleles in maize anthers: defining steps in meiotic entry and progression through prophase I. BMC Plant Biology,11:120.
- Golubovskaya IN, Wang CJR, Timofejeva L, Cande WZ* (2011). Maize meiotic mutants with improper or nonhomologous synapsis due to problems in pairing or synaptonemal complex formation. Journal of experimental botany, 62:1533-1544. (The first two authors contributed equally to this work) (Journal cover).

博士後研究 Postdoctoral Fellow
Jeremy Catinot
李頂華 Ding-Hua Lee
研究助理 Research Assistant
古家齊 Jia-Chi Ku
高玉馨 Yu-Hsin Kao
王琪婷 Chi-Ting Wang
博士班研究生 Doctoral Student
曾靜枝 Ching-Chih Tseng
Mitylene Bailey
- 2018 林秋榮教授植物科學創新研究獎 - 財團法人林秋榮植物科學教育基金會
- 2016 楊祥發院士傑出農業科學年輕學者獎 - 財團法人楊祥發紀念教育基金會
- 2013 社會優秀青年 - 救國團台北市團委會
- 2013 前瞻計畫 - 中央研究院