余天心 (Yu, Tien-Shin)
- 國防醫學院生命科學研究所 博士
- 植物核醣核酸長距離運輸分子機制及遠端開花調控的研究
- tienshin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
- +886-2-2787-1032 (Lab: A425)
- +886-2-2787-1159 (Office: A429)
- Lab Website
- Academia Sinica Archive

近年在高等植物的研究中發現,訊息核醣核酸(mRNA)除了當成蛋白質轉譯時的模板外,還可經由篩管長距離運送至遠端的組織再轉譯成蛋白質而調節生長發育。這一類型可以長距離運輸的訊息核醣核酸稱為遠距運輸訊息核醣核酸(mobile mRNA)。我們實驗室主要的研究方向為研究植物中遠距運輸訊息核醣核酸所調控的生理功能,與訊息核醣核酸如何進行遠距運輸。我們利用次世代定序的方式建立青花菜(Brassica oleracea)篩管液中訊息核醣核酸的基因庫,並篩選出約4000種不同的篩管液訊息核醣核酸。為了研究這些篩管液訊息核醣核酸如何遠距調控植物的生理功能,我們以植物分生組織為模式,研究這些遠距運輸訊息核醣核酸如何參與植物分生組織的發育。我們由篩管液基因庫中篩選出63個可能參與花芽分生組織發育的相關基因。為了研究這些基因的生理功能,我們利用青花菜的近親阿拉伯芥為模式植物,以嫁接實驗證實部分基因的訊息核醣核酸確實可以長距離運輸,而且參與花芽的分化或花芽反轉的調控。未來我們將利用這些系統研究遠距運輸訊息核醣核酸調控花芽分生組織發育的機制。
- Luo K-R, Huang N-C, Chang YH, Jan Y-W, Yu T-S* (2023) Arabidopsis cyclophilins direct intracellular transport of mobile mRNA via organelle-hitchhiking. Nature Plants, in press.
- Huang N-C, Tien H-C, Yu T-S* (2023) Arabidopsis leaf-expressed AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 mRNA systemically specify floral meristem differentiation. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.19293.
- Huang, N-C, Luo, K-R, Yu T-S* (2022) Development of a split fluorescent protein-based RNA live-cell imaging system to visualize mRNA distribution in plants. Plant Methods 18, 15.
- Huang N-C and Yu T-S* (2021) Non-sterile grafting methods for Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol 2200, 113-1
- Luo K-R, Huang N-C, and Yu T-S* (2020) In vivo imaging of mobile mRNAs in plants using MS2. Methods Mol Biol 2166, 145-155.
- Huang NC, Luo KR, Yu TS* (2018) Mobility of tobacco antiflorigen and multiple PEBP mRNA in tomato-tobacco heterografting. Plant Physiol 178, 783-794.
- Luo KR, Huang NC, Yu TS* (2018) Selective targeting of mobile RNAs to plasmodesmata for cell-to-cell movement in plants. Plant Physiol 177, 604-614.
- Huang NC, Yu TS*. (2015) A pin-fasten grafting method provides a non-sterile and highly efficient method for grafting Arabidopsis at diverse developmental stages. Plant Methods 11:38.
- Huang NC, Jane WN, Chen J, Yu TS*. (2012) Arabidopsis thaliana CENTRORADIALIS homologue (ATC) acts systemically to inhibit floral initiation. Plant J. 72:175-184.
- Lu KJ, Huang NC, Liu YS, Lu CA, Yu TS*. (2012) Long-distance movement of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T RNA participates in systemic floral regulation. RNA Biology 9:653-662.
- Yang HW, Yu TS*. (2010) Arabidopsis floral regulators FVE and AGL24 are phloem-mobile RNAs. Botanical Studies 51: 17-26.
- Huang NC, Yu TS*. (2009) The sequences of Arabidopsis GA-INSENSITIVE RNA constitute the motifs that are necessary and sufficient for RNA long-distance trafficking. Plant J. 59: 921-929.