何金敏 (Ho, Chin-Min)
- 美國加州大學戴維斯分校生化暨分子生物學系 博士
- 胞器間通訊及細胞分裂
- chmho@gate.sinica.edu.tw
- +886-2-2787-1069 (Lab: A423)
- +886-2-2787-1181 (Office: A431)
- Lab Website
- Academia Sinica Archive
- Web of Science (WOS)
葉表皮是植物與環境之間的界面,透過高度協調且功能特化的細胞, 例如氣孔,鋪面細胞和植物茸毛,提供植物抵抗乾旱,紫外線和病原體侵襲的第一層保護。氣孔是位於植物表皮上用來與外界交換用於光合作用氣體和水氣的器官。藉由減少氣孔數量可改善植物耐旱性。大多數的阿拉伯芥葉表皮細胞是藉由氣孔發育的途徑所產生的。氣孔的生成首先是經過一次不對稱的細胞分裂。所製造出的姊妹細胞一小一大。小的細胞為未來氣孔的前驅細胞。大的細胞稱氣孔基質細胞 (SLGC)。有趣的是,氣孔基質細胞本身具有二種潛能性, 能選擇再生或分化成具特定功能的細胞。這種類似於幹細胞的氣孔基質細胞如何維持潛能性?抑或如何決定再生或分化?不同種特化細胞在葉子發育的過程中是否會互相調控? 仍存在許多未知。

(A) 葉表皮中的氣孔和鋪面細胞可由氣孔基質細胞 (SLGC) 增生或分化得之。
(B)氣孔發育首先經過一次不對稱細胞分裂產生二個大小不等的姐妹細胞 。小的細胞(meristemoid,紅色)會再經過一次對稱細胞分裂, 最終形成一個氣孔。 大的細胞(SLGC,藍色)會再次分裂製造出更多的meristemoids, 或是直接分化為鋪面細胞。
傳統上, 胞器被視為具有一定組成的單獨個體。然而,愈來愈多的證據指出,胞器間是會通過膜接觸點來傳遞訊息,以達到生物體內的平衡 。
透過遺傳篩選,我們發現ER-PM(內質網 – 細胞膜)的接觸可改變訊息傳導, 進而影響植物發育。VST 蛋白作用於內質網 – 細胞膜的接觸點。與控制組相比,vst突變體具有較多的氣孔和較矮的植株。 因此,我們將以VST 蛋白質為出發點去尋找位於膜接觸點的蛋白體及其相關的訊息傳遞途徑。

(A和B) 與控制組相比,vst突變體長得較短小。(C和D) vst 突變體有較多的小細胞及氣孔。(Ho et. al. 2016)
- Yang, S.-L., Tran, N., Tsai, M.-Y., and Ho, C.-M.K.* (2021) Misregulation of MYB16 causes stomatal cluster formation by disrupting polarity during asymmetric cell division. The Plant Cell --Focus Issue on Cell Biology. In press. (*Corresponding author). DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koab260
- Rovira-Clavé, X., Jiang, S., Bai, Y., Zhu, B., Barlow, G., Bhate, S., Coskun, A.F., Han, G., Ho, C.-M.K., Hitzman, C., et al. (2021). Subcellular localization of biomolecules and drug distribution by high-definition ion beam imaging. Nature Communications 12, 4628.
- Ho, C.-M.K.*, Bringmann, M., Oshima, Y., Mitsuda, N., Bergmann, D.C*. Transcriptional profiling reveals signatures of latent developmental potential in Arabidopsis stomatal lineage ground cells. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences.118(17) e2021682118 (* Corresponding author).
- Ho, C.-M.K., Paciorek, T., Abrash, E., and Bergmann, D.C. (2016). Modulators of stomatal lineage signal transduction alter membrane contact sites and reveal specialization among ERECTA Kinases. Dev. Cell 38, 345–357.
- Hotta, T., Kong, Z., Ho, C.M.K., Zeng, C.J.T., Horio, T., Fong, S., Vuong, T., Lee, Y.R.J., and Liu, B. (2012). Characterization of the Arabidopsis augmin complex uncovers its critical function in the assembly of the acentrosomal spindle and phragmoplast microtubule arrays. The Plant Cell 24:1494-1509
- Ho, C.M.K., Kiyama, L., Liu, B. (2012). The Arabidopsis MAP65-3 Protein Cross-links Anti-Parallel Microtubules toward Their Plus Ends in the Phragmoplast via Its Distinct C-termianl Microtubule-binding Domain. The Plant Cell. 24, 2071-2085.
- Ho, C.M.K., Hotta, T., Guo, F., Roberson, R.W., Lee, Y.R., and Liu, B. (2011). Interaction of anti-parallel microtubules in the phragmoplast is mediated by the microtubule-associated protein MAP65-3 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 23, 2909-2923.
- Ho, C.M.*, Hotta, T.*, Kong, Z.*, Zeng, C.J.*, Sun, J., Lee, Y.R., and Liu, B. (2011). Augmin Plays a Critical Role in Organizing the Spindle and Phragmoplast Microtubule Arrays in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 23, 2606-2618 (* Equal contribution).
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