
鄭萬興 (Cheng, Wan-Hsing)


  • 美國佛羅里達大學植物分子及細胞生物學研究所 博士
  • 植物荷爾蒙離層酸、生物逆境、和它們的反應
  • whcheng@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  • +886-2-2787-1065 (Lab: A421)
  • +886-2-2787-1177 (Office: A439)
  • Academia Sinica Archive
  • Web of Science (WOS)


植物荷爾蒙離層酸(abscisic acid, ABA)擔任重要角色在調控種子發育、休眠、氣孔關閉、和逆境抗性(圖A)。此外,ABA-調控百合異形葉型(heterophylly) 的產生,此與差異性表現ABA生合成基因NCED3 有關。甚者,離層酸vs. 乙烯(ethylene) 或離層酸vs. 吉貝酸(GA) 具有相互拮抗功能而影響種子發芽,幼苗生長和葉片發育;兩者相互調控對方生合成、代謝、或信息傳遞,進而增強彼此的相互拮抗。

在非生物逆境的研究方面,我們用正向遺傳的方法,播種含T-DNA插入的阿拉伯芥種子於高鹽下,篩選出10個鹽類過度敏感株(salt hypersensitive mutant, sahy)(圖B), 其中,sahy1sahy9具有很強的鹽類過度敏感、植株小、短根、和葉型態等生長缺陷。這兩個蛋白質主要表現於核仁(nucleolus),它們參與核醣體組成(ribosomal biogenesis/assembly)之功能;可能由改變核醣體內蛋白的組成,而造成對特定蛋白質轉譯的效率有所差異。sahy1sahy9顯現出對植物生長激素(auxin)所調控植物生長發育產生缺陷,如突變株的葉脈、葉肉細胞的組織結構、和對植物生長激素(auxin)的反應,皆與正常株不同。而對鹽類過度敏感的機制,部分出自ABA依賴型(ABA-dependent)、ABA非依賴型、和鹽類反應相關基因表現有關。

雖然離層酸生合成和它的receptor基因大部分已被選殖和定性,但是ABA和逆境信息傳遞間之交互反應,仍然被了解不多。為了更進一步了解ABA和逆境信息傳遞間之交互反應,我們利用遺傳的方法,篩選出幾個aba2 suppressor(abs) 突變株(圖C)。這些abs對葡萄糖或鹽類之感應度與正常株相同;不過,若生長在土壤上,這些abs性狀則與aba2和正常株不同,但它們皆缺乏ABA含量。相信此研究對於ABA和養份或鹽類逆境之交互反應機制,會有重大之新發現。

All publications

Selected Publications

  • Chen YH, Shen HL, Chou SJ, Sato Y, Cheng WH* (2022) Interference of Arabidopsis N-acetylglucosamine-1-P uridylyltransferase expression impairs protein N-glycosylation and induces ABA-mediated salt sensitivity during seed germination and early seedling development. Front Plant Sci (in press; https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2022.903272)
  • Lin WC, Chen YH, Gu SY, Shen HL, Huang KC, Lin WD, Chang MC, Chang IF, Hong CY, Cheng WH* (2022) CFM6 is an essential CRM protein required for the splicing of nad5 transcript in Arabidopsis mitochondria. Plant Cell Physiol 63: 217-233.
  • Hsu P, Tan MC, Shen HL, Chen YH, Wang YY, Hwang SG, Chiang MH, Le QV, Kuo WS, Chou YC, Lin SY, Jauh GY, Cheng WH* (2021) The nucleolar protein SAHY1 is involved in pre-rRNA processing and normal plant growth. Plant Physiol 185: 1039-1058.
  • Chen HC, Cheng WH, Hong CY, Chang YS, Chang MC* (2018) The transcription factor OsbHLH035 mediates seed germination and enables seedling recovery from salt stress through ABA-dependent and ABA-independent pathways, respectively. Rice 11: 50.
  • Huang KC, Lin WC, Cheng WH* (2018) Salt hypersensitive mutant 9, a nucleolar APUM23 protein, is essential for salt sensitivity in association with the ABA signaling pathway in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol 18: 40.
  • Chen HC, Hsieh‑Feng V, Liao PC, Cheng WH, Liu LY, Yang YW, Lai MH, Chang MC* (2017) The function of OsbHLH068 is partially redundant with its homolog, AtbHLH112, in the regulation of the salt stress response but has opposite functions to control flowering in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol 94:531–548.

研究助理 Research Assistant

沈惠齡 Hwei-Ling Shen

古金格 Grimer A. Perez

李佳芸 Chia-Yun Lee

博士班研究生 Doctoral Student

陳雅惠 Ya-Huei Chen

黃楷超 Kai-Chau Huang

林威至 Wei-Chih Lin